Episode : 374: Reasons I am So Untrendy…….

I like to know what is going on in the world, and to keep  up-to-date with the latest trends. Having a young daughter also keeps me in the loop of what is happening (mainly because she keeps telling me that I haven’t got a clue)! Here’s why…

  • I hate ‘Game of Thrones!’ I just don’t get it at all; from what I have seen of it so far (and I usually put my headphones on and blog when Mr Grump has it on) everyone is a Prince or Queen or something. Not only that, there seems to be a hell of a lot of gory endings, people getting bumped off every five minutes! Add to that a load of sex, and some of that incestous! It is, in a nutshell, a bunch of royals, having it off with everyone, then plotting their most savage and brutal demise!
  • There is no way on earth I can do this new ‘belly button challenge!’ It involves wrapping one of your arms around your back and touching your belly button to prove what a fit body you have! Hmmmm, I don’t need to become a contortionist to know that I might not be quite as fit as I should be! If I tried to do that, I would no doubt pull or tear something, rendering myself even more unfit!
  • As much as I like to watch a Disney film, there is no way I would want to get married in a Disney princess inspired wedding dress! I mean the Little Mermaid was lovely, but who would want to totter down the aisle wearing a bloody great fishtail?!
  • I could not be trusted with a ‘selfie stick! Now I know these are very popular at the moment and help get a much better photo, but I am not keen. Not only would I feel ridiculous waving it around in the air trying to get the right spot, but knowing me I would end up poking someone in the eye, or giving someone an unexpected clout whilst trying to concentrate on capturing the perfect shot!
  • I don’t want to ‘Keep up with the Kardashians!’ For a start there are far too many of them and I don’t know who they all are! Kim and Kanye being forever in the news is starting to get boring! Now that she is having another baby (will it be called South)? we will be bombarded with every last detail. Kylie and her pouty lips has already annoyed me, as Miss Hap tried to copy her as you can see here.

What makes matters worse is that Mr Grump is much more trendy than I am!

37 thoughts on “Episode : 374: Reasons I am So Untrendy…….

  1. Games of what? and who the eck are the Kardishians? I’m the most untrendy person you could ever meet, it never did float my boat or touch a belly button, for that matter

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I tried to watch Game of Thrones. It was like a porn version of Lord of the Rings. Lots of boobies. The only thing missing were hobbits. Naked ones.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Maybe not up my street, but perhaps around the corner. 😀 I did watch a few episodes and thought that Baggins hobbit should be present and his name would be Tea Baggins. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Five ticks for me too! Fortunately a lack of decent internet and lack of Sky dish have spared me Game of Thrones. Sometimes on my lunch break I go on to entertainment websites and I have no idea who any of the people are. Mind you, this is also true of the latest Celebrity Masterchef trailer – and they give clues!! What if you hold a bendy selfie-stick and touch your belly button with it, does that count??


  4. Sometimes I feel the same way Judy, not with the times. I think once my kids get older then they can re-educate me on all the trendy stuff. I laughed at your idea that kimye’s baby #2 might be called “South”. I’m scared to hear what they’ll call the poor thing. Celebs gotta be different.

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  5. My hubby is more trendy than I am too. He knows all the current music and can name all the new bands. He even has an iPod. Me, I’m still listening to Bruce Springsteen and The Who! But don’t worry. Trendy doesn’t last. Let’s just stick with “classic”!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. There is no way on earth I can do this new ‘belly button challenge!’ It involves wrapping one of your arms around your back and touching your belly button to prove what a fit body you have!

    I can do that! Oh, wait, I bet you mean touching your belly button with the same hand that’s around your back. Never mind. I can’t even get into waving distance.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’ve settled far enough into middle age that I’ve stopped worrying about not even knowing what the trends are. Not that I ever did know what was trendy even when I was younger, but it’s nice to have settled into my skin enough to not care.
    I’m completely in agreement with you on the Kardashians too. I mean really, just who exactly are they anyway?


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