Episode 496: Ronovan’s Writes Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt #62: ‘Start’ and ‘Hot’

I was going to go in a totally different direction with the prompt words this week for Ronovan’s weekly Haiku Challenge (you can probably guess from the words rahter than the picture)!

I settled on this instead though!

When eating curry

Take your time, start off slowly,

Things will soon get HOT!!

Crab curry

22 thoughts on “Episode 496: Ronovan’s Writes Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt #62: ‘Start’ and ‘Hot’

  1. Reblogged this on ronovanwrites and commented:
    Judy, Judy, Judy is our first in this week for the challenge.Um, urrr, I think I may be turning red right now from that last sentence formed. It’s getting hot in heeerrreee.


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