What I see in a Tree

Majestically it stands there

Surveying all it sees

The winter branches barren

Devoid of lush green leaves.


Yet life is still within it

Just waiting for the spring

When its buds start blooming

And the birds begin to sing


In summer comes its glory

When it wears a party dress

Of several different colours

Its beauty outshines the rest


Then autumn comes a-calling

And it starts a slow striptease

The leaves are changing colour

And are dropping in the breeze


This is the work of nature

Of death and then re-birth

The barren and the beautiful

The treasures from the earth.

This is a poem I wrote some time ago, that I thought would fit the bill perfectly for my understanding of a vignette, the task for today’s Writing 101 course.

23 thoughts on “What I see in a Tree

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