Creative Differences


I am jealous of those that are crafty

They make something out of nothing at all

I am hopeless at painting

In fact I can’t even draw!

So many times I’ve been scuppered

By my lack of artistic prowess

I wish I could master home sewing

And knock up a beautiful dress

My hair looks totally unstylish

It is either up or it’s down

My makeup I keep understated

Or I’ll end up like Coco the Clown!

I love to get gorgeous flowers

But just plonk them straight in a vase

My presentation is seriously lacking

I won’t get any gold stars!

Although I will never be arty

I don’t consider it a curse

Because I can still be creative

By writing a few lines of verse!

33 thoughts on “Creative Differences

      1. I always meant to learn how to paint, and dance and play the piano…but, you know, life plus I don’t like to practice 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I remember you saying you weren’t creative and had no imagination.
        Stand back and look. you is doing it girl☺☺☺☺

        Liked by 1 person

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