TJ’s Weekly Household Haiku Challenge – Calendar


Today we have got ‘calendar’ by TJ for his weekly household haiku challenge prompt word. Mine is hanging up on a kitchen cupboard and as my memory is bad, I try to write down appointments and birthdays and stuff – that is if I can remember them in the first place!

Anyway, here are my takes on it this week:

Measurement of life:

happy days celebrated

Sad days reminisced



A Milestone is approaching

The dreaded five-o!


23 thoughts on “TJ’s Weekly Household Haiku Challenge – Calendar

  1. Love the haiku but surely not the five O! As 40 is supposed to be the new twenty then you are only really 30 or so. Thanks so much for participating young lady. 🙂


  2. Like both of your Haikus. I also have calendar in my kitchen next to my phone. I simply trust that still more and everybody can take a look. Also I have it in front of my knows all the time. It doesn’t run out of batteries and it doesn’t break when it falls down… haha.

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