Just Jot It January 26th – Oneness


Quite an interesting word for Linda’s Just Jot it January prompt today, ‘oneness.’ This speaks to me of being united in something, or being of the same mind. I wonder though if it is possible to be totally ‘at one’ with someone.

As you may know, I am one of six children, Despite most of us having the same upbringing, we are all completely different in our views and outlooks. We vote for different political parties, each having our own thoughts on how the country should be run. We all think differently about religion, out of the four that are christened, only two make the odd appearance at church, the third goes at weddings and funerals, and the fourth is an atheist! The two that are not christened, do go to church occasionally but feel a little uncomfortable, as they can’t accept communion with everyone else.

We have all chosen different career paths, to match our personalities! Three enjoy the cut and thrust of sales, two work in health and social care, and one is an electrician. We even speak differently from each other! One has a very pronounced west country accent, one a northern accent and the rest of us a pretty standard southern accent.

As far as my siblings are concerned, there are definitely major differences. What about my husband? Well, we are pretty different characters as well as far as our personalities go. He is definitely more outgoing and sociable than I am. He is grumpy, I am not (well, not always), he is a real bargain hunter and canny shopper, whereas I just chuck stuff in the trolley that takes my fancy!

However, we do have many similarities, being very routine oriented, and having a similar political and religious outlook. He loves to cook, and I love to eat, and we both arrive everywhere twenty minutes early as we hate to be late!!

It’s funny really, as, although my siblings, husband and friends have very different personalities, views and beliefs, I have found something that we all have in common, and that is a very similar sense of humour!

I don’t think it matters if two people are totally at one with each other. In fact, for some, it is their differences that attract them together in the first place.

25 thoughts on “Just Jot It January 26th – Oneness

  1. I couldn’t agree more. It’s the difference in each other that is most important. My twins are completely different and it’s great that they are.

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  2. Very well expressed, Judy. I can relate to the very different siblings. One of six also; it seems we worked very hard at our individuality. We all wanted to achieve a success that was shared with no other. It seemed to work, and makes for very interesting family reunions !! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes! Yes. and YES! I am delighted with the word you explained oneness with uniqueness. And your last line is just lovely!

    “I don’t think it matters if two people are totally at one with each other. In fact, for some, it is their differences that attract them together in the first place.”


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