Pastures New…

Pastures New
Image courtesy of Pixabay

For one reason or another, I taken a leaf out of some other bloggers’ books and have decided to move to a self-hosted website.

I am in the process of doing this now, and given my record with technology, I thought I had better let you know, Β in case everything disappears in a puff of smoke and I am stranded in a twilight world of nothingness.

I should still be found at, and I hope to be able to migrate everything over from here, (hope being the operative word)!!!

Anyway, I do hope you will still come and visit me….there will be nibbles!


25 thoughts on “Pastures New…

  1. I am so tech-useless that I have only the vaguest idea of what a self-hosted website is…but congratulations and good luck πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, Sis! That is a task! Fantastic! I am having a website too for about 8 years (for my practice) But since I am having my blog I often forget to update…lol! Give us the URL as soon as you are ready! So proud of you, sis!😘

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