Quote of The Day Challenge: Day 3


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I have been nominated by the lovely Funsie from Simply Me to take part in one of my favourite challenges. Why not pop on over to her blog and say hello. She has lots to keep you entertained on her blog whilst you visit.

The rules for this challenge are as follows:

1  –  Thank the blogger that nominated you.
2 – Share one new quote on three consecutive days on your blog. They can be from anywhere, anyone, or anything.
3 – On each of the three days, nominate three more bloggers to carry on with the fun! No pressure; nominees are free to decline.

I have decided that I will be using quotes from the wonderful Maya Angelou. A lady of immense courage, wisdom and fortitude that battled many challenges in her life, yet rose above them all.

We spend precious hours fearing the inevitable. it would be wise to use that time adoring our families, cherishing our friends, and living our lives.

  • Maya Angelou

My nominees, should they want to participate, are:

Rob from the V-Pub

Rich from Wafflemethis

Geoff from Tangentle


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