Ronovan’s Writes Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge #89: ‘Shower’ & ‘Play’

I was going to be naughty this week for Ronovan’s weekly haiku challenge, given that the prompt words were ‘shower’ and ‘play’ but I decided to unleash my inner child instead!

shower, rain, play, splashing
Image courtesy of Pixabay

35 thoughts on “Ronovan’s Writes Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge #89: ‘Shower’ & ‘Play’

  1. Give yourself another 10 years and you’ll be grabbing every opportunity to be naughty… 😉 (nudge-nudge wink-wink say no more) And now for something completely different… LOVE your delightful haiku, the sentiment and the pink wellies! Perfect for kicking up river of water! ❤

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