3 Day Quote Challenge: Day 3

My dear friend Erika has nominated me to take part in this challenge again. Please visit her blog for a daily dose of music, wisdom and enlightenment. I am so pleased she nominated me for this challenge as it is one of my favourites.

Challenge rules:

  1. Post 3 quotes on 3 consecutive days
  2. Thank the person who nominated you
  3. Nominate 3 new bloggers each single day of the challenge

In light of the season, and recent events, I am going with a theme of thankfulness, and the ‘quotes’ are my own.

For the last day, after posting on family and work, this post will be about leisure. and of course, you all know what my favourite leisure activity is 🙂

For me, being a part of the blogging  community is having a wealth of taleneted,empathetic,  funny, and articualte people as my neighbours who are always there for a chat and a bit of advice.

Judy Martin 2015.

I would like to nominate the following to take part if they fancy it 🙂






16 thoughts on “3 Day Quote Challenge: Day 3

      1. That makes me even more thankful that you showed up so ofen on my space. Thank you, sis! I am on the other end at the moment…. barely time to read post…. I think it will stay like this for the rest of the month….

        Liked by 1 person

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